Tuesday, December 7, 2010

wyomingtroutfisherman: Top Content-Report 11/27/2010

Top Content L to R



Autumn Scenic Poudre R...


Autumn Scenic Poudre R...

3.Brown Trout on Au Stone

fly Poudre River

4.Rainbow Trout on Au

Stonefly Poudre River

5.Dreaming of Springtime

Fishing Trip

6.Eagle Perched Up Poudre

R Roots for Trout Jumpin...

7.Rafters Shoot Rapids

Poudre R Canyon


Autumn Scenic Poudre R...

9.Check out your friend's

T-Mobile pictures

10.Winter Scenic Picnic

Rock Poudre R Canyon

Upcoming for 2011:

More great scenery,

commentary,trout flies,

and trout


Top Content-Report



Thursday, October 7, 2010

Check out your friend's T-Mobile pictures


19705817936@tmomail.net wanted to share these great T-Mobile camera phone photos with you!

Brown Trout on Royal Coachman Poudre R Image 9/4/10

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Brown Trout Jumps Watson Lk Dam Sideways

Brown Trout jumps Watson Lk Dam sideways: spawning run, Poudre R

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Rafters Shoot Rapids: Poudre R Canyon

Rafters shoot rapids: Poudre R Canyon 7/24/10

Brown Trout on Au Stonefly PRC

Monday, August 2, 2010

Picnic Rock: Poudre R Canyon

Brown Trout on Au Stonefly PRC

Picnic Rock: Poudre R Canyon 7/3/10

Saturday, July 10, 2010

N Fk Confluence Poudre R Canyon

N Fk Confluence Poudre R Canyon 7/3/10

Friday, July 9, 2010

Rainbow Trout on Au Stonefly, Poudre R

Rainbow Trout on Au Stonefly, N Fk confluence Poudre R Canyon catch & release (wtf)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Brown Trout on Au Stonefly, Poudre River

Brown Trout on Au Stonefly, N Fk confluence, Poudre R Canyon catch & release (wtf)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Watson Lk Spring Time, Poudre River

Watson Lake Spring Time, Poudre River Canyon

Monday, May 24, 2010

Pool Party

Pool party warm up for Summer season: Resort living dba apartment life.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Poudre R Spring Feaver RX: Fishing

Beaver ponds near

Upper Poudre R Canyon

Brook Trout (Brookie):

On a Dry Fly

Poudre R Spring Feaver RX: Rafting

Poudre R Canyon:

River Rafters

Poudre R Canyon:

River Rafters

Passing picnic site

Poudre R Spring Feaver RX: Kayaking; Tubing

Poudre R Canyon:

Kayaking Class

Lower Poudre R

Canyon: Tubing

Poudre R Spring Feaver RX: Wading

@ Picnic Rock:

Start of Spring Runoff

@ Picnic Rock:

Wading prior to

Spring Runoff

Friday, April 2, 2010

Eagle, Perched Up Poudre R, Roots for Trout Jumping Dam

Eagle, perched atop
dead tree overhanging
Poudre River,
above Watson Lake
diversion dam
Two trout in the act of
jumping Watson Lake
diversion dam,
Poudre River

Upturned Stump: Poudre River Still Life

Upturned stump @ pond
by Poudre River
Upturned stump root

Looking for a Rabbit Hole: Poudre River

Yucca plant &

busted ties

Wood mushrooms on

beaver-felled log

Tree of Life: Poudre R Spring Time

Tree of Life
.Surrounded in fog
.Partly cloudy sky
.Kingfisher darts past
too quickly to be
captured on film?

Sunday, March 7, 2010

@ Watson Lk & Cliffs, Poudre R 3/6/10

Watson Lk 3/6/10; wtf; Fishing Hole @ Poudre R; Spill-way; Dam; HS

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Fishing, For the Birds, Too: Poudre River

Bald Eagle perched atop
a tree overhanging
a pond.
Kingfisher perched at
stump of a beaver-
felled tree, Poudre R.
Great Blue Heron
perched on a log at
pond adjacent to
Poudre River.

Swan at City Park Lake at Springtime

Swan escorted by a pair
of Mallard Ducks.
Swan displaying it's
beautiful plumage.

Wild Flowers: Poudre River Bottoms

Lavender flowers lit up
by a shaft of sunlight.
A Leafhopper visiting
a bush of pink wild

Springtime Wildflowers Along Poudre R.

Sky blue flowers.
Crimson buds & white
flowers with yellow
Bumblebee visiting a
Clump of wild

Poudre R. Flora & Fauna in Crosshairs of Technology

Falcon perched atop
canopy of Poudre R.
Mule Deer sheltered
in brush beneath
canopy of Poudre R.
Machines of
technology of Man.

Friday, February 5, 2010

White Water Report: Poudre River

White water @ Watson
Lake diversion dam,
Poudre R. Canyon,
early Spring runoff.

Wyoming Trout Fisherman:
Visiting Spring Creek
confluence, Poudre R.
Trail, in mid Winter.

Tree of Life: Poudre R. Trail

Watson Lake inlet, early
Spring time, Poudre R.

Wyoming Trout Fisherman:
Visiting Tree of Life,
Poudre R. Trail, in mid

When Nature Calls

Casting flies @ fishing hole,
Poudre R. Canyon durring
early high Spring runoff.

Steve the Cat:
When nature calls,...even
in mid Winter.

Dreaming of Springtime Fishing Trip

Gear bivoac under bridge,
Poudre R. Canyon, early
Spring fishing trip.

Steve the Cat:
A long Winter's cat nap.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Winter Scenic Picnic Rock, Poudre R Canyon

Winter scene Picnic Rock
Poudre R Canyon 11/7/09
Steve the Cat:
Brown Tiger; 4 years old;
Enjoys the quilted
bedding; Thinks the shag
carpet is groovy; prefers
Tuna and Yoplait Yogurt.

Winter Scenic Below Poudre R Canyon Bridge

Winter scene below bridge
Poudre R Canyon 11/7/09

Gear cached at edge of
high water mark for Spring
runoff. Winter instrean
flow is limited to the side
under the long shadows

Winter Fishing Above Poudre R Canyon Bridge

Winter scene above bridge
Poudre R Canyon 11/7/09
A flyfisherman moving up
river; maybe hoping to try
his luck with trout durring
their Trico feeding frenzy.

Winter Scenic Above Poudre R Canyon Bridge

Winter scene above bridge

Poudre R Canyon 11/7/09

Quiet solitude of scene

hides the multitude of

rises of trout feeding on

Trico Mayfly spinners.

wyomingtroutfisherman: Content 2010

Blog Content: 2010
More great scenery
(photos; videos)
(cartoons; maps; text)
Trout flies